Author and researcher Brian Edwards joins S.T. Patrick to discuss Dealey Plaza as the site of a tactical operation, and then the witness testimony of Ed Hoffman. Edwards is singularly unique in discussing both topics. He was a former law enforcement officer and trainer, and he has over ten years of counter assault experience. When he looks at Dealey Plaza, he looks at it as … [Read more...]
MWN Episode 118 – Casey Quinlan on Frontier Justice in the JFK Assassination
Author and researcher Casey Quinlan joins S.T Patrick to discuss Otto Skorzeny and his recruitment by the American intelligence apparatus, NATO, Operation Gladio, Skorzeny's 1947 Trial, ZR/RIFLE, QJ/WIN, the witness testimony of Ed Hoffman, and the work being done at Project JFK. Quinlan describes the movement of Skorzeny's career from German commando to geopolitical operator … [Read more...]
MWN Episode 117 – Joseph McBride on Unmasking Frank Capra (and Unearthing George Bush)
Author, Film Historian, and JFK assassination researcher Joseph McBride joins S.T. Patrick to discuss his newest book, Frankly: Unmasking Frank Capra. The book is about the "Kafkaesque" journey McBride endured in trying to publish a truthful biography of director Frank Capra (1992's Frank Capra: The Catastrophe of Success). Its an illustrative story about what it's like to try … [Read more...]
MWN Episode 116 – A Weekend in Olney (2019 JFK Historical Group Recap)
On April 4-8, 2019 researchers and attendees gathered in the small town of Olney, IL to discuss "Political Assassinations of the 1960s." Professor David Denton, Ed Tatro, Walt Boyce and the staff of Olney Central College served as the gracious hosts for what was a spectacular weekend of research, presentations, brainstorming, and planning. This is the recap of the 2019 JFK … [Read more...]
MWN Episode 115 – Treachery in Dallas with Walt Brown
Walt Brown, PhD, the author of Treachery in Dallas, The People v Lee Harvey Oswald, The Warren Omission, and The Kennedy Execution, joins S.T. Patrick once again to discuss the JFK assassination. In tonight's episode, Brown discusses Dallas in 1963 as a "hostile environment," what Gov. John Connally screamed out in the car - and what it meant, the serious errors of the Dallas … [Read more...]