JAMES PERLOFF, the author of Shadows of Power, the primer on the Council on Foreign Relations, joins S.T Patrick to discuss the history of the deep state in America. Subjects discussed by Perloff include whether or not Thomas Jefferson actually wrote the Declaration of Independence, the CFR, the "Wise Men," The 1979 Coup of the Shah of Iran, the New World Order, Vietnam, 9/11, … [Read more...]
MWN Episode 063 – Who Really Killed MLK?
PHILLIP F. NELSON joins S.T. Patrick to discuss his newest release, Who Really Killed Martin Luther King, Jr.? The Case Against Lyndon B. Johnson and J. Edgar Hoover. Nelson, the author of three previous LBJ-related books, addresses whether or not this is his last LBJ work, his own memories of 1968, LBJ vs MLK, Hoover's FBI vs MLK, the best and worst of MLK scholarship, what … [Read more...]
MWN Episode 062 – Barr McClellan on LBJ vs JFK
BARR McCLELLAN, the author of Blood, Money, & Power: How LBJ Killed JFK, joined S.T. Patrick to discuss LBJ's inner circle and how he came to learn about their involvement in November 22, 1963. All of the major names are discussed: Ed Clark, Don Thomas, Billy Sol Estes, Mac Wallace, Madeline Brown, etc. McClellan also speaks candidly about his associations with Jack … [Read more...]
MWN Episode 061 – Mae Brussell on Jonestown (MWN Legends Series 004)
Legendary researcher MAE BRUSSELL is the focus of our fourth installment of the Midnight Writer News Legends Series. In this episode - an airing of her 365th and 366th episodes - Mae focuses on Reverend Jim Jones and the Jonestown massacre in Guyana. Just close to two weeks after the massacre, it is amazing how much information Mae had already gathered. These were the first two … [Read more...]
MWN Episode 060 – Who Murdered FDR?
Author STEVE UBANEY joined S.T. Patrick to discuss his newest book, Who Murdered FDR? Ubaney is the author of the Who Murdered...? book series, which has also included Who Murdered Elvis? The newest edition, Who Murdered JFK? is being finalized. Ubaney addresses the scene of the crime in Warm Springs, GA, the disappearing medical records, Eleanor's later inquest, Lucy Mercer … [Read more...]