ROB CLARK, quarterly guest host of the Midnight Writer News Show and full-time host of The Lone Gunman Podcast, returns to MWN to continue his JFK assassination profile series. In Clark's last appearance as MWN guest host (episode 052), he covered the life of Guy Bannister. In this episode, his focus is Larry Crafard, ally and employee of Jack Ruby at the Carousel Club. He … [Read more...]
MWN Episode 068 – If This Be Treason: JFK vs. the Far Right Wing
JOHN BEVILAQUA joined S.T. Patrick to discuss the assassination of President John F. Kennedy through the lens of the far right wing of American politics. The focus of the interview centers on Richard Condon's "dirty dozen," the Winnipeg airport incident, and the Raleigh phone call. However, Bevilaqua also traces the far right movement from the eugenics movement of the early … [Read more...]
MWN Episode 067 – The John Lear Files II
JOHN LEAR joined S.T. Patrick once again to discuss a wide range of topics including the passing of Art Bell and the odd question Bell once asked Lear. John Lear also discusses openly the single issue that tore apart their friendship of decades. John has spoken about his belief that the Apollo 11 craft did not get to the moon, and tonight he also addresses the relative silence … [Read more...]
MWN Episode 066 – The Defense of Dr. DeRosa
DR. MARSHALL DEROSA, a Florida Atlantic University professor, joined S.T. Patrick to discuss the recent attack on him by The Nation and "Unkoch My Campus." Dr. DeRosa is a longtime scholar of Southern and Confederate history and law. Because he has belonged to and has withdrawn from academic associations that impartially study Southern and confederate history, he has been … [Read more...]
MWN Episode 065 – Jim Fetzer Unleashed I
DR. JIM FETZER joined S.T. Patrick to discuss the issues surrounding the Amazon banning of Nobody Died at Sandy Hook. In the discussion, Fetzer addresses the details of the Sandy Hook case, including the reasons why he believes it was a false flag operation involving crisis actors and FEMA. Fetzer also addresses the issues of the Lanza family, Wolfgang Halbig's quest, and … [Read more...]