After thirty years without significant tax reform, the Republicans have an opportunity to implement their vision for a bold new tax policy. True to his braggadocios and bombastic style of showmanship, Donald Trump has promised that this plan will prove to be “the biggest tax cut in history!” As if on cue, the Democrats have already resorted to their default rhetoric of “tax … [Read more...]
Oil as a Fossil Fuel… Reality or Received Wisdom?
Abiogenic Oil. “The suggestion that petroleum might have arisen from some transformation of squashed fish or biological detritus is surely the silliest notion to have been entertained by substantial numbers of persons over an extended period of time.” Fred Hoyle, 1982 (English astronomer noted primarily for his contribution to the theory of stellar nucleosynthesis) “The … [Read more...]
America’s First War on Terror
Radical Islamic terrorists, American citizens captured and held for ransom, Marines on special missions, and, of course, Benghazi. These are all significant events and controversies of the present day. These modern issues have served to spur the United States into multiple wars, spend 70 billion dollars, and bury 6,852 American soldiers. But there is a little known US war … [Read more...]
NYCMovieGuru Reviews John Barbour’s New JFK Doc
The American Media & The Second Assassination of John F. Kennedy is a searing, enraging, and eye-opening documentary about how Jim Garrison, New Orleans' District Attorney from 1962-1973, had set out to prove, using the American justice system, that the CIA was actually behind the assassination of JFK on November 22nd, 1963, and that the mainstream media was responsible for … [Read more...]
The South Knoll Gunman
As the presidential limousine appeared from behind the Stemmons Freeway sign, it was apparent JFK had been shot. Despite decades of research into the events of that day, very little has been done to investigate that shot. I can find little serious research into something which one would imagine would be of paramount importance. Of course, finding an explanation for the “throat … [Read more...]