Walt Brown, PhD, joins S.T. Patrick for his fourth appearance on the Midnight Writer News Show. Brown and Patrick discuss Chief Justice Earl Warren and his Commission, about which Brown has written The Warren Omission. Walt Brown is the author of The People v. Lee Harvey Oswald, The Warren Omission, and The Kennedy Execution, among a new series of mysteries and the New York … [Read more...]
MWN Episode 090 – Carmine Savastano on 5 Key JFK Assassination Figures
Author Carmine Savastano joins S.T. Patrick to discuss Allen Dulles, J. Edgar Hoover, Marina Oswald, James Files, and John Henry Hill. Savastano, the author of Two Princes and a King: A Concise Review of Three Political Assassinations, brings his research to the program as he and S.T. discuss the origin of the Dulles-Kennedy conflict, the former CIA director's inclusion on the … [Read more...]
MWN Episode 058 – Carmine Savastano and the JFK Assassination
CARMINE SAVASTANO joined S.T. Patrick to discuss the JFK Assassination. Carmine Savastano addressed his entrance into the JFK assassination community, a 21-page CIA report on assassination procedures that he found in 2013, how these procedures potentially help build Lee Harvey Oswald as the patsy, the Thomas Casasin story, CIA and FBI interest in Oswald, Marina's possible intel … [Read more...]
MWN Episode 045 – LBJ – From Mastermind to the Colossus
In Part Two of our two-part series on LBJ, PHILLIP NELSON, the author of LBJ: From Mastermind to the Colossus, joins S.T. Patrick to discuss LBJ's presidency from the moment shots were fired in Dealey Plaza to his surprising March 1968 decision to exit the presidential primaries. Nelson addresses LBJ's movements on November 22, 1963, Albert Thomas and "the wink picture," … [Read more...]
The South Knoll Gunman
As the presidential limousine appeared from behind the Stemmons Freeway sign, it was apparent JFK had been shot. Despite decades of research into the events of that day, very little has been done to investigate that shot. I can find little serious research into something which one would imagine would be of paramount importance. Of course, finding an explanation for the “throat … [Read more...]