Donald Jeffries joined S.T. Patrick to discuss Jeffrey Epstein... but so much more. Unlike most episodes where there is a structure, Patrick and Jeffries came armed with one audio clip and one word: Epstein. That's where it started and they took off from there. In this discussion, they touch on Alex Acosta, Bill Clinton, Donald Trump, the Q theories, Ghislaine & Robert … [Read more...]
MWN Episode 022 – An Hour with Dr. Jerome Corsi
DR. JEROME CORSI joins S.T. Patrick to discuss his entrance into alternative media, the JFK assassination, the possible innocence of Jack Ruby, 9/11, the Clinton scams regarding HIV/AIDS and Haiti, John Kerry, John McCain, Huma Abedin, Pizzagate, Benghazi, and the importance of the Clinton e-mail scandal. Join Dr. Corsi on episode 022 of the Midnight Writer News Show today! … [Read more...]