Rob Clark, host of The Lone Gunman Podcast, sits in to discuss the man who drove Lee Harvey Oswald to work on November 22, 1963, Buell Wesley Frazier. Rob brings his dogged search for factual information on the JFK assassination to MWN once again to give us the absolute truths behind the story of Buell Wesley Frazier.
Rob Clark’s Lone Gunman Podcast can be heard HERE, as well as on most of the better podcatcher apps. Just do a search for “Lone Gunman Podcast.” It’s a great show, and we at Midnight Writer News are all fans.
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Another great episode. Thanks Y’all, again.
As far as the Prayer Man issue, Debra Conway discussed my evidence with Buell Frazier in October 2018…Buell told Debra that he agreed Prayer Man was Depository employee Sarah Stanton…I interviewed Sarah’s grand daughter Wanda and she told me Prayer Man was her grand mother Sarah adding, “It has to be Sarah because she’s the biggest one out there”…I recently followed-through with Debra in a phone call and she reiterated that not only had Buell told her that in October but he had also said it on other occasions…
Prayer Man has been proven to be Sarah Stanton beyond a doubt…Photogrammetry shows Prayer Man to have Stanton’s obese body features and exact 5 foot 4 height…In his 1964 FBI statement Billy Lovelady placed Stanton over by the west wall of the portal when the motorcade passed…
At minute mark 34:32 of Buell Frazier’s 6th Floor Museum Interview Frazier describes the exact moment seen in Darnell and gestures with his hand to his right to indicate where Sarah was…He is remembering in his mind and body language Sarah being in the Prayer Man spot…
Harold Weisberg made the comment that BWF was asked by the DPD during his interrogation if he was sleeping with Marina Oswald; according to Weisberg, BWF answered in the affirmative,..
I started listening to this podcast but shut it down when you started espousing the ludicrous Warren Report claptrap re the paper bag and the rifle. There was NO BAG found on the 6th floor. And even Will Fritz identified the rifle as a 7.65 MAUSER. Seymour Weitzman filed a report that described the rifle in detail as a Mauser. Roger Craig said he saw 7.65 imprinted on the receiver/barrel. How can you confuse a 6.5 MC for a 7.65 Mauser? Better luck next time.
Rob does a great job with this episode. He is absolutely not a believer in Warren, as I think a full listen to the episode and his own show, The Lone Gunman Podcast, proves. Thanks. — S.T. Patrick
Good show. Interesting food for thought presented. One can certainly understand why Frasier would not want to share information that would not help his friend and would likely hurt himself. He must have been one very scared 19 year old.
I agree with your comment. When doing historical research, we never seem to take age into account. yet, as most know, it’s a major motivating factor in our actions and behaviors. Still yet, we treat the actions of a 70-year-old the same as we do the actions of a 19-year-old. Because the can all exist on the same piece of paper, it’s like they exist together. It’s something that we need to account for more and do a better job assessing. Thanks. — S.T. Patrick