RICHARD BARTHOLOMEW, the author of the upcoming The Deep State in the Heart of Texas, joins S.T. Patrick once again to discuss his essay “The Deep Political Realities of the U.S. General Election.” What would a pro-conspiracy candidate have to do to affect change from the White House? What two camps have divided all of our major political candidates since 1960? Who repeatedly saved the JFK Records Act from expiring? What is the truth behind the 1993 Travelgate scandal? How did Carl Oglesby link to the 2016 presidential campaign? What did Vince Foster’s death mean to the Clintons? Which administration official was referred to as “GK,” and why is it important? Richard Bartholomew addresses all of these issues and more on this episode of the Midnight Writer News Show.
Richard Bartholomew is the co-founder of the Center for Deep Political Research.
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Assasination Of President Kennedy And Its Cover Up,
CIA assisinations have ruined our country! And the cover-up never stops!
If President Kennedy had lived, there would not have been a large Vietnam War. That is one of the reasons he was killed. Read his National Security Action Memorandum 263 from October 11, 1963. He was taking our country toward peace. Peace in Vietnam and peace with Cuba and Russia. He was popular and he would have been reelected in 1964. We would probably have a better and more peaceful world today.
November 22, 1963, after coups in Guatemala, Iran, the Philippines, and other places, the CIA did one in the USA, killing President Kennedy in Dallas.
Shots came from more than one direction as MANY eyewitnesses testified. There had to be a conspiracy to murder our president. Parkland Hospital doctors in Dallas, who tried to save the President, unanimously testified to an entry wound in the throat and a baseball sized exit wound in the back of the head. Parkland Hospital doctors wanted to perform an autopsy, but the Secret Service forcefully took President Kennedy’s body at gunpoint to Bethesda Naval Hospital, where (after secret operations) military doctors (Naval) released autopsies that said all the gunshot wounds came from the back.
The House Select Committee on Assassinations (1976-1979) found a probable conspiracy in the murder of President Kennedy, and recommended that the Justice Department investigate further. So far, this has not happened.
People who say that the murder of President Kennedy and its cover up is not important are WRONG. This was a MAJOR turning point in our country, confirming our commitment to become a WARFARE STATE. The evils of it continue and grow through today.
Many of the highest levels of the US Government were involved in killing our President and covering it up. The Vice President, LBJ, the CIA, the Pentagon, the Air Force, the Navy, the Secret Service, the FBI, Congress, the Warren Commission. This was a MAJOR operation
that changed this country into a WAR MACHINE. This change has mainly been ignored by Democrats, Republicans, and the mainstream media.
Please visit my website ( ) and sign my petition ( ). After over 300 signatures, MoveOn wants to stop helping. I am not sure what to do next.
We should face our history, instead of lying about it.
People who see evil and do not try to stop it are accomplices.
Please honestly address what the CIA (Howard Hunt) called the “BIG EVENT”.
Bernard E. Scoville
yes in complete agreement our,their god too as they all claim to be false prophets for real profits of, as humanity’s most evolved best future stolen by false P.A.S.T.” Post Ass-ass-i-nation Stress Trauma”