As GOP candidate Donald J. Trump surged to victory Tuesday night, Maricopa County (AZ) Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s blatant disregard for civil rights and human decency ended as the 84-year-old six-time sheriff lost his bid for a seventh term as America’s best known and most notorious lawman.
Arpaio had been known to supporters as “America’s toughest sheriff,” yet to civil rights advocates and human rights organizations, he had installed a Reign of Inhumanity to the greater Phoenix area.
Known for forcing inmates to wear pink underwear and rounding up undocumented immigrants who have not committed crimes beyond travel, Arpaio’s tactics played to the same psychological triggers as “tough love” and “spare the rod, spoil the child.” Yet, Arpaio wasn’t a parent to the inmates of Maricopa County. He was a representative of a state in a country founded on inalienable rights and mutual respect. Shame and embarrassment do not appear to be constitutional law enforcement strategies in origin. Yet, the Midnight Writer News staff does recall something about “cruel and unusual punishment.”
Arizona this racist, bigot is gone, he can go home and wear his dress and pink panties in his apartment where he lives with various men dressed as females