The JFK Historical Group will host its annual conference on April 5-7, 2019 in Olney, IL. at Olney Central College. Speakers, to date, include: Ed Tatro, Lisa Pease, William Matson Law, John Barbour, Prof. David Denton, Richard Bartholomew, Victoria Sulzer, Phil Nelson, Brian Edwards, Casey Quinlan, Jeff Worcester, Shane O’ Sullivan, Rick Russo, Prof. Stan Weeber, Sara Peterson, Katanna Zachry, Christopher Fulton, Kris Millegan, and more to be announced. The featured topic is “POLITICAL ASSASSINATIONS OF THE 1960S.” This is going to be an important conference, so book now.
I met you at the JFK conference Mr Denton. You were such a gentleman. I was the St Louis Cardinals fan from CT. Please keep me updated on any JFk events and especially the ones that you may putting on. I would really like to attend. Thanks very much.
For all conference information Mr. Denton is currently working on, you can go to We are currently planning the Kansas City conference in April 2020. Hope to see you there.