[As this was our first issue of DTJ, we have unfortunately made a few errors. Though there was extensive proofreading, some things slipped by us. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused to either the writers or readers of Deep Truth Journal.] These are the corrections for issue one: * On page 9, the caption states that, in 2016, Hinckley wrote that the … [Read more...]
Deep Truth Journal #1 is here!
The first issue of Deep Truth Journal is out and can be purchased in two locations: Alibris and AFP. We are still working through the issues to get it posted on Amazon. We have assembled an all-star team to write for issue one. Don't miss out. In issue one, we feature writers Jim DiEugenio, Lisa Pease, Jim Hougan, Joseph Green, Richard Bartholomew, Randy Benson, Douglas Horne, … [Read more...]
“The Deep State in the Big Easy” by William Davy: The Complete Endnotes
[In the first issue of Deep Truth Journal, William Davy, the author of Let Justice Be Done, submitted a fascinating article entitled "The Deep State in the Big Easy: Jim Garrison's Quest for Justice." Unfortunately, his endnotes were cut off at number 51. I would personally like to apologize to Mr. Davy for the error. What follows are the complete endnotes for Mr. Davy's … [Read more...]
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Follow DEEP TRUTH JOURNAL: Facebook: @DeepTruthJournal Twitter: @DTJmagazine Email: [email protected] … [Read more...]