You now have an opportunity to be a part of the garrison team. Through out GoFundMe page, you can both RESERVE A PRINT COPY of the next issue, as well as making a statement that you are supporting what we do by donating to the cause of printing more issues and getting this into schools. As a donor to garrison, you can reserve a print copy, an e-copy, or both print & e-version of the next issue. When projects like these come along in the community, it is important for the community to show its support. Think about how much of our hard-earned money we all spend at Wal-Mart, at the grocery store, at the mall, at the movies. Our dollars are the most powerful vote that we have. What are we really voting for on a daily basis? When you donate to “garrison,” you’re saying that it’s vital to bring the best writers together to create a truthful historical project that will be used in schools. How many of us have had disagreements with the textbooks being used in history classrooms today? Garrison is the alternative. Can you help us get it printed and get it into schools so that there is an alternative? Visit our GoFundMe page today!