This is the 2018 Midnight Writer News Show theme song. There will be new clips in the 2019 version. Stay tuned for more! Thank you for listening. — S.T. Patrick
Identifying those clips you use somewhere would be interesting. I always wonder what the “unspeakable tragedy, Dead on arrival” one is about.
S.T. Patricksays
That is Howard Cosell on Monday Night Football, announcing live the death of John Lennon. That’s a good idea though, identifying the clips. I’ll add them to the post one day, and Ill make sure to do that when I post the 2019 theme on December 31st.
Thanks for listening!
Maryann Manleysays
A riff on Simon and Garfunkle’s SILENT NIGHT and the SEVEN O’CLOCK NEWS.
Identifying those clips you use somewhere would be interesting. I always wonder what the “unspeakable tragedy, Dead on arrival” one is about.
That is Howard Cosell on Monday Night Football, announcing live the death of John Lennon. That’s a good idea though, identifying the clips. I’ll add them to the post one day, and Ill make sure to do that when I post the 2019 theme on December 31st.
Thanks for listening!
A riff on Simon and Garfunkle’s SILENT NIGHT and the SEVEN O’CLOCK NEWS.